Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Bragging on my kid

It's been my experience that I generally suck at sharing. I read other people's blogs and think I'm never likely to be all that good at talking about what's going on here. Firstly, I figure my life is pretty boring. Secondly, I figure one other person actually reads this thing. :P

But, I need to brag.

Without a second round of gifted testing, my munchkin earned his way into an accelerated learning class that combines fourth and fifth graders (he's starting as a fourth grader) who are considered exceptional. Basically, he gets to work at his own pace, it's a smaller class size, and he's there because of how well he tested last year in Bush's screwed up state-required tests. (FCATs. Parents' and students' worst nightmare. Don't move to Florida if you've got kids.)

The first time we attempted to get him tested for acceptance into a gifted program, my otherwise brilliant child continually chose option E - skip this question. The school psychiatrist theorized that he was unwilling to take risks. The problem with this is that you're not allowed to reapply for testing for 2 years. And folks, it took damned near a year to get him tested the first time. Something like 3 requests, 2 forms, and a long waiting list, because the psychiatrist who does the testing does the testing for every elementary school in the county.

His teacher last year rocked though, and I suspect she had a *lot* to do with this. She fell in love with him. It was great after the previous teacher's disenchantment with him for becoming bored. Last year's teacher, Ms. Reyinger, told us toward the end of the school year that she (a) knew Caedyn was very special and very talented, and (b) would make copious reccomendations as to which teacher he would get and how to help him best. There are teachers who expect their students to adapt to their policies, and there are teachers who get to know their students and do their best to help them advance. She was the latter, and we're eternally grateful for that.

So, there ya go. I shared for a change. :)

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