Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Good and the Bad

From today's Game patch:

Added new temporary attack powers to all low level characters. Which attack a character receives varies according to the Origin of the character. Once a character reaches level 10, the power is used up.


On mission maps with prisons, characters can no longer choose "Go to Base" to avoid going to prison when defeated.

(*cries* Now my characters will be stuck in Orange Bannana forever!)


derek said...

I've tried two of the new temp powers, I like the little magic cantrip my MA/DA has, but the throwing knives my natural scrapper has just seem...meh.

Lela said...

Throwing knives? Neat!

Mike's science blaster got a tranq dart!

Sean said...

Haven't tried it yet, but I saw that Ted Beare, level 1 tank who runs FOUND, got a tranq dart.


I can just see him running through King's Row, trying to reason with Lost, sighing, then pumping them full of chlorpromazine.

Lela said...

LOL I can just see it now...

Ted: Just...put down the weapon and come with me. We'll get you a hot meal...a warm bed...

(Lost guy shoots)

Ted: *sighs* Alright. *aims tranq, shoots himself in the foot*

(Lost guy laughs himself silly and agrees to go to FOUND as soon as Ted's conscious again.)