Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Shard TF 2

Let's go after Ruladak the Strong!

Okay, I promised Will another shot at the second Shard TF. We need a full team and the minimum level is 40.

Like last week, I'm going to list 3 time/day options, and when you post your comment, tell me which one(s) work best for you. We'll take the most popular.


1. Wed/Thurs, Jan 25/26, 9pm EST (time limit of midnight for the first night)
2. Thurs/Fri, Jan 26/27, 9pm PST (time limit the first night to be determined by those who'd like to be conscious on Friday)
3. Sat, Jan 28, 9pm EST (we go til it's done)

Team so far:

Star Perv
WillO'Wisp (Time option 1)
Grave Spider (Time option 1)
Cobalt Avenger(Time option 1 or 2)
Vangarde brand knockback (ask for it by name!)


derek said...

Sure, I'd love another shot at tanking the god. :)

Anonymous said...

I've got to have some fucking intestinal fortitude to do *TWO* Shard TF's in one week.


Grave Spider - Level 42 DM/Regen Scrapper

I'll be there, er.. Best time option for me is Wednesday/Thursday, as I have plans on Friday, and Saturday is the 3rd Shard TF that I myself will be running - which you signed up for, dammit!

derek said...

You're so evil. Wonder if that's why I keep coming back? Hmm? :P

Lela said...

Tee-hee. You love it. You know you do. :P

nobody said...

If you need a moody scrapper, I could go for this again. You can never have too many scrappers. (And you said I could sign up for these... so... hi!)

'Course will gladly give up my spot for anyone who hasn't done it. Anytime's good, though I'd prefer option 1 or 2... lookin' like 1's it.

'Kay. See ya there maybe.


Lela said...

Happy to have ya along, p-Cobalt!

Steve said...

Hmm would you look at that...there is nowhere near enough knockback on this team. I mean Cobalt is good but we have a tank -and- and ice troller. Well guess I will have to help Cobalt out.

Sign up Van..and let the AOE knockback ...BEGIN!

derek said...

Grats to Lela for Synoptic dinging 50 on this tonight! Well deserved!