I'm going to be censored on the Alliance Forum, so I'll be taking the opportunity to write this here.
I'm shocked and appalled that the player base was left in the dark about the changes being made to the Alliance. I'm offended that, even now, there is no satisfactory explanation for the player base to understand why this was done.
I'm sure they'll spin it. Reese is an ass IC. Grave Spider is an ass IC. They've had complaints about CC.
Let me tell you what I, as a player, see.
I see that the people who were active on CC and put together teams and interacted with people the most are the ones who are being systematically removed and banned.
I see that groups rather than individual players are being exiled to suit leadership's inability to control them. Again.
DEARGOD, I see the clique.
I was really hoping that the people behind this were better than that. I believed in them. I even loved one of them.
I think what was done was childish and spiteful.
Then again, I'm just a member of the player base.
Or was.
I'm done. I don't wanna be part of the mud slinging on either side, so please don't bring me any. I'm looking around and seeing what I predicted in March of last year.
This is what happens when you don't sit down and talk things out. This is what happens when you don't find a way to work things out. This is what happens when you resort to secrets and lies and manipulations to get your way.
Alliance, my ass.
Alright. I'm not into censorship, so I don't intend to remove any comments that will be made here. I even get that with the removal of anything negative at the forums, no one's able to vent and get anything out.
Please be aware that I have asked for no mud-slinging. I have this fear that I'm going to wake up with an inbox full of nasty comments flying back and forth.
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Hey it's cool. Now they can do all of the three-ways, four-ways, five-ways, supergroup-ways, and incest roleplay that they want.
I'm sure it'll be great for them!
Sorry to see you go, take care and be safe.
Hopefully talk to you later.
Before I went to the Dojo I read the boards and there was nothing, not one thing that hinted that there was an issue. I was planning on making a couple of posts when I came home. Instead, I find half of the Alliance is booted?!?
I know that some people are upset with a few PLAYERS when they should be upset with the characters. Not all of the characters belonging to these people were asses but instead of dealing with it in an RP sense it became a RL personal attack on the players and the groups they are involved with. Way to RP.
When I first joined the FP I was happy to be associated with RPers in a game enviornment the begs for RP. As time has gone on I find the poeple who want to RP "HEROES" lags far behind those looking to RP a hook-up. Its sad. I gravitated towards people and groups who were there to RP Heroes, their trials and tribulations and that's where I remain.
Are relationship part of the Hero's life? Sure but every Hero has had to choose between his personal happiness and the well being of others. The Hero chooses the well being of others. I wish people would think about that the next time someone is begging for help on CC, not that I see that being much of an issue now.
/disgruntled preacher mode off
Avo, I've moved Muse and Midnite to Exodus, Star to the Lib Force, and intend to move Hot Spark to the Allies.
Scorp actually left the Phalanx before this happened.
I'll update the character list and add SGs and servers to the listings tomorrow.
You are always welcome back at FOUND. You are always welcome to post there, as are all members of the Greater Alliance (I use that term to mean the Alliance as it was before today).
Secret meetings.
Many monthsa ago, while the CC guidelines were being debated The Allies, Phoenix Guard, Hunters, and Liberty Force held a now infamous "secret meeting". Hunters were less than a breath away from leaving the alliance. Phoenix guard was also close. I would have followed if they had. Bill in the end was able to talk us all out of it.
What we discussed, was that we saw the then proposed CC guidelines as a means for which a select few with power could trump up complaints in order to kick players they didn't like. I believe that all these months later, this is exactly what has happened. I'm not going to say that complaints about Grave Spider and Reese Riley didn't exist, but if they did, Nobody ever told either of us.
That is until last night. I finally got one, and as I understand, it was worked out shortly after.
I'm sorry to preach here, but I've already been censored.
I'm sorry to preach here, but I've already been censored.
Preach on, brotha!
Seriously, though, in my opinion, that was an honest disclosure of fact and opinion without mud-slinging. You're welcome to continue if need be.
I won't be banning you.
Far as I know, the CC guidelines didn't have anything to do with the Alliance split.
And I would, I suppose, know.
Simple fact of the matter is: the leaders of the FP, CoJ, and Knights said to each other "We just don't want to be in Coalition with the Allies and Exodus, and while we're at it, let's unhook from the Hunters, simply because they're inactive.
Bill said, when I talked to him about it, that if we did that, he'd leave. That's how Liberty Force got added to the list.
The Phoenix Guard got added to list originally due to inactivity, then taken off because they're a good group, then ... hell if I know -- I wasn't on and everything that was done went -- whatever. I didn't want the Guard gone -- neither did most anyone else. ((Hell, my main guy is (was? I haven't logged in to check) in the Guard.))
Dunno. None of this crap was supposed to be done the way it happened. There were clear steps... lots of communication -- explaining to the playerbase -- everyone agreed... blah blah blah. I drove back down out of the mountains and my cellphone started ringing yesterday night -- that's how and when I found out what had happened.
But no: didn't have anything to do with the CC Guidelines and player-player complaints as such -- the leaders of some groups agreed they didn't want to be grouped with some of the other groups. That's it.
That's it. Attribute malice if you like -- the whole thing was handled abysmally by the same person that ALWAYS handles stuff abysmally, and I'm tried of taking a bullet for them.
Simple fact of the matter is: the leaders of the FP, CoJ, and Knights said to each other "We just don't want to be in Coalition with the Allies and Exodus, and while we're at it, let's unhook from the Hunters, simply because they're inactive.
Just so it's clear exactly what I'm referring to.
I can count on one hand the number of times in the last two to three weeks I've seen a leader of any of those groups or their alts actually speak on CC(Save for Sword of Asgard, who regularly participates in CC) ICly. Hell I rarely even see any OOC. I may be able to get a full two hands if you take the entire time I was in the Alliance, though somehow I feel the number is less. Even you yourself admitted you don't play with CC on. Whatever though, ignore what you choose, spin your role out of it how you choose, the fact of the matter is the decision made was a poor one and you played a role in that decision.
I think of a CC without the Allies, Hunters (Who? Do they even play anymore?), Phoenix Guard (again, who?), and god-help-me Exodus, and words can't express how nice that would be.
Ok now see we have all seen this little beauty. So does it really matter that you didnt actually push the button..no not really. And if this such a terrible thing ..why can't you name some names. No Doyce we are not blaming you, alone for this disaster, ....or actaully maybe we should thank the Phalanx for its snobbish upper crust and their "we pay the bills so we make the rules" thinking. Seems WE may be the better without them.
The other thing that bugs me/us/everyone who got screwed here is that in a secret meeting of people that have no dea what they are talking about we were having our community of friends dictated to us by the mighty(?) Phalanx..again.
You as well as others that hold the positions of Tribunals and Prefects have all but abandoned your posts. And before you go there, no, watching and reading the forums is not the same as being in game. I know you will all argue that you have "secret" alts that you can go on and watch without the(what is it you all call it..oh yeah ) hassle of being on one of your Phalanx officers. The sad fact is that its you all -not- us that have the problem. This is where I have to stop in respect of Lela's request for no mud-slinging.
[SuperGroup]Sword of Asgard: Sue to a lack of taking many things serious, or so it seems, on the leader boards about the various issues on comms, and the lack of willing to tone down the bully/insulting/ etc style of plsy.
[SuperGroup]Sword of Asgard: We had a chat about maybe splitting the alliance up, since about 40% of us( before split) have either /ignored others due to it, or many have turned off their chat...
Ok so explain again how this had nothing to do with CC chat?
I love how it's pointed out here that the entire split would've seemed so 'harmless' the intentions so 'pure'.
Yeah whatever, we read the PM from Strat to Bill. There was malice in that. If there was no desire to have the Guard kicked, why the (again, who?) comment?
Wanting the Allies gone is one thing, we know how much you dislike Reese and I, and especially myself considering all of the stuff I'm sure has been fed to you. A gourmet meal for six I'd wager, and that doesn't bother me in the slightest.
What bothers me is that an active Supergroup that has done nothing but grow quickly into one of the most active groups in the Alliance is treated as if we did nothing but abuse players consistently. If so, let me see some logs or something. Puck Bunny's player complaining on and on and on doesn't count considering his information is so far out of wack that it once again, makes my head explode.
But, quote the almighty Strategist, or you, Doyce, for that matter, "god-help-me-Exodus"
What did Exodus do to you? Did you know that people mentioned Stateswoman and the Strategist last night and people actually went,
Yeah, exactly.
This bears relevance to the Prelude issue, as I believe Hal once brought up a point about someone who had never had much interaction with him (If any) came at him pretty hard, from out of nowhere.
You interacted with Exodus in what way? You were at the interview?
No and no.
Could it be that someone took offense to one little thing so much that they blew it SO far out of proportion that suddenly Exodus was the most evil group around? Wanting to oust the Allies is one thing, Sword of Asgard made it PLAINLY clear that the Phalanx thought that the splitting of the Alliance was MY fault, and many agreed, but what does that have to do with Exodus, the fact that I'm a leader, and you're trying to kill two birds with one stone?
I presented questions and of course, they were never answered. Another thing that this situation has in common with the Prelude situation.
Hope everything works out though, and you find people that fit into your RP vision! Try not to keep that posting graveyard there though, don't want other people with SG's coming in and seeing the LARGE list of people that just didn't quite cut it. But then again, I guess the only people that ever will are the Phalanxers and the lovely clique they've created. But hey, whatever pays the bill for that forum, right?
Plain and simple, if you or any of your members had any broblems with any members of any group, you were to register formal complaints with that group's leadership. These are the terms we all voted and agreed on. For whatever reason, none of you even attempted that, even though we asked regularly if there had been any complaints. I'm sorry you didn't have time to spin it how you wanted, but it is a lack of respect on your part for the leadership of the groups that were exiled. Plain and simple.
Wanting the Allies gone is one thing, we know how much you dislike Reese and I, and especially myself considering all of the stuff I'm sure has been fed to you.
Vince. I don't hate you.
Reese. I don't hate you either.
I don't... *reads*
I haven't had anything fed to me. I don't talk about about either of you, outside of the forum posts relevant to stuff having to do with the Alliance stuff.
I just don't. No one that I know sits around talking about "reese" or "vincent" in the evening, over dinner. It just doesn't happen. I don't sit around talking about... well, anyone from the game, when I'm not actually playing the game.
I don't want to be mean about this, but I just can't think of another way to say it -- I don't wish either you or Reese or anyone from the game any ill will, because I just don't *think* about you guys that much -- at all, really, unless someone brings some issue to my attention.
I mean... there's playing a game and there's living it, and I don't do the later.
You want the order of events?
I read a bunch of comments in private comms and on the leaderboards for the Phalanx about Allies and Exodus, and there was some wistful sighing about culling down the Coalition.
I said "well, why don't we? Seriously, why?"
I came up with a way to do it that I thought would get what we wanted without ... all this bullshit that happened.
Bill dumped my private PM to him out on the boards, so Stateswoman went all Red-button.
That's it. Yell at me all yah want.
As for saying "Strategist: who?"
Well, that's funny, in a way, since I'm probably resigning after this is all done, anyway.
Whatever. I've got other stuff to do.
I hope everyone reading this will find your fun things to do in the game. I'll try to do the same. If I can't, well, the game will go on without me, and I'll still have plenty to do -- some of it even fun.
It's just not. that. important.
Stateswoman who?
The entire story told in Flash.
America = Phalanx
China = Allies & Exodus
Russia = Stateswoman
France = Phoenix Guard
England = Consortium & Knights
Australia = FOUND House
Canada = Hunters
Doyce, I don't hate you either. If you believe nothing else....believe that. That said, you can hang-dog (Hang Dog...heh..) here all you want....I -seriously- doubt you'll find much, if any, sympathy. You were one of the architechts of this whole thing. At least P-76 had the balls (can I say 'balls' here?) to man up to that. You were wrong. And you know it.
YOU want a timeline? How's this for a timeline...
1. The leadership of the remaining groups log in and edit the Coalition Channel ties they have. This must happen first, to minimize inter-group caterwauling, in game. The forums are important, fine, but they aren't the game, and the general populace's ongoing, uninterrupted participation in the game is most important.
2. The Leaders of the groups we're dropping from Coalition have their moderator status removed from any area they aren't directly responsible for... (except the Leadership area, so they can discuss whatever).
3. A general announcement is made to the Allies Announcement section, explaining what's going on, and that the Leadership is working on how to preserve and move the creative material of the group's who are out of the Coalition. Also mention that an SG has been created for Allies members (or any other group's member) who wants to stay affliated with the Alliance of Champions.
4. At the same time, a post or new area is made on the Leader board to discuss how to facilitate this change as quickly as possible.
5. Said groups are moved to the Archives and locked until the leadership discussion bears fruit.
until the leadership discussion bears fruit. What fruit would that be? "Go peacefully or we'll delete your forum material?" I mean, really? What would you expect to accomplish after the above took place? Besides being able to hold people's writing hostage while you pontificate...*shakes his head*
And you're coming on here like you're the victim. Again, I'm tickled. That's -almost- as funny as that brief flash of your buddy Stan's (Puck Bunny) comment (in response to Blessed Be's "Entering in the middle of a movie" post) of how a certain few have decided to punish the Phalanx for percieved slights or some such (I only got a glimpse of it). I swear to you, I was cracking up. Too bad States delted that one (and, subsequently, edited my post)...it was a keeper.
I "dumped your private PM" and would do so again in the same situation....in a heartbeat.
Mark (P-Liberty Bill)
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