Thursday, February 02, 2006

Citadel TF cancelled

Update: We had to cancel this one. We'll reschedule it for another time. So sorry about this everyone. Won't happen again.


Okay, this one's for Ruarc. We need to get him that badge!

Minimum level is 25, and we need a team of 6.

Post your comment and time option please. :)


1. Wed/Thurs, Feb 1/2, 9pm EST (time limit of midnight for the first night)
2. Thurs/Fri, Feb 2/3, 9pm PST (time limit the first night to be determined by those who'd like to be conscious on Friday)
3. Sat, Feb 4, 9pm EST (we go til it's done)

Team so far:

Pearl Thunder
Mourning Star
Mark character
Rave Spider


derek said...

I'm in, Mourning Star.

Mark Means said...

I could -possibly- do this....or at least help get you started. Is this lvl 25-31? I have a few who fall into that category....or could ex someone down, if needed.

Lela said...

Gah! Forgot to put the level and team minimum up! Sorry about that. Fixing now.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks. My cutoff time is 10pm CST. I have to end by then. I wish my time was fixed but real life gets in my way. Otherwise it sounds good to me.

Lela said...

So, let's do time option 1 to accomodate Ruarc cuz I really hate that he missed out on getting this the last time we ran it. Sound good to everyone?

Mark Means said...

Sounds good to me.