Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Nineteen Years

It was unseasonably colder than expected with a wind that chilled us to the bone, and we were outside.

My veil blew up over my head as I came around the corner.

After forgetting to bring my stereo, we had to settle for music played from Mike's car speakers.

We barely got a bite to eat during the whole reception.

The best man forgot shaving cream, so he decorated the car with mustard, which took hours to chisel off in the freezing cold the next morning.

Our reservations didn't start until the next day, so when we got to Orlando, we stayed in a very cheap hotel room that...well, at least it had a bed.

For years, I wanted a do over when it came to the wedding.

Now, I'd just like another perfect honeymoon.

And the marriage?

Well, that's still going like gangbusters. It's better than I could have ever ever dreamed possible.

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