Friday, June 17, 2005

Musical Tag

Was tapped here, so here ya go:

Total volume of music on my computer:

According to Winamp, my current library stands at 1.58 GB, but there's this stack of cd's waiting for my attention. Been ripping a couple every few days. This also doesn't take into account my Launchcast Station, on which I have a modest 6,399 ratings (only 3,601 more before my ratings level goes from Addict to Rating Master!).

The last CD I bought:

I had the worst dilema the last time I was looking at buying a cd. Even called Mike from the other side of Wally World to ask, "Do I want to buy the soundtrack for Moulin Rouge or Dirty Dancing? Oh! And look! They've got the Footloose soundtrack! I'm so conflicted!"

Settled on Dirty Dancing. Going back for the others.

Song playing right now:

Don't You Want Me by Human League (on Launchcast)

Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:

I can only pick five? *dilema*

Ok...right now this of my head cuz if I go look, I'll never be able to settle on anything...

1. Unwell by Matchbox in a nutshell *smirk*

2. Love, Me by Collin Raye

3. The Remedy (I won't worry) by Jason Mraz

4. Thousand Mile Wish by Finger Eleven

5. Outside by Staind

6. Nothing Else Matters by Metallica

7. I by Taproot

8. I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith

9. Cowboy by Kid Rock

10. Every single song on the Ten Summoner's Tales album by Sting

All of this subject to change without notice according to whim and what is being played on the radio/computer/launchplayer at any given moment.

Five People To Whom I?m Passing The Baton:

I don't know five people :P

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