Saturday, September 17, 2005

Caedyn's Birthday

Last week, Mike and I found ourselves discussing the state of our household - which at best can be described as 'crowded'. Seriously. It was the nicest thing we said. So, you can imagine there's been a lot of tension in an apartment full of people feeling crowded, and Caedyn's birthday was looming. We hadn't made any plans and had less than a week to come up with something. The last thing we wanted was to try to make a party happen with so little room in our tiny apartment, and we figured it had to be something that relieved some of that tension that he was (obviously) experiencing too. So when it hit us like a bolt of lightning, we had to act.

Now...last school year, we told Caedyn if he managed 4 straight-A honor rolls for the year, we'd get him a Robosapien. He came through, and then we piddled around on our end to deliver. On the side of really good timing, it arrived Monday morning while he was at school.

So, while he was distracted with the robot, Mike quietly packed a couple of things and put them in the car. I told Caedyn we had to run some errands, but that he could take Robosapien with him. About an hour down the road, we handed him a birthday card that read, "Hey Caedyn, We're going to Disney World!"

Caedyn's response: "That's funny, Mom."

Our response: "No really. We're driving to Disney World."

Caedyn: "We can't afford Disney World."

Mike: "Well, you remember when we went on vacation earlier this year? We bought seasonal passes, because they were cheaper than the five-days, and they're good for a whole year. So, we don't have to buy new tickets."

Caedyn: (disbelieving) "Really?"

Us: (laughing hysterically at this point because our oh-so-logical child is actually arguing with us about this) "Yes, really! That's your birthday surprise! You get to pick where we go, which rides, the whole deal. We're naming you king of Disney World for the day!"

Him: "Really?"

Twenty minutes, folks. Twenty minutes go by.

Finally, from the back seat, we hear a whoop and he yells, "We're going to Disney World for my birthday!!!"

Best birthday present idea ever.

We had a blast. When we first got there, we mentioned that it was Caedyn's birthday, and an employee encouraged us to take him to Guest Relations first thing to get him a button announcing "It's my birthday!" From that moment on through the rest of the day, people were treating this kid like he was gold. They made the whole day special.

When we lingered in the shop beyond Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, the man behind the counter gave him a beautiful certificate with Caedyn's name on it that marked the day as special.

When Caedyn announced that instead of picking another ride, we were going to stake out Tomorrowland until he found the robotic trash can that we saw during our vacation, an employee overheard him and helped us track it down. (Robot's name is Push, because the door you put the trash in is labelled "Push", of course.) When we walked up, Push was already looking for Caedyn, asking where the birthday boy was.

This was the most hilarious exchange that included:

Push: Caedyn, are you skipping school?

Caedyn: Yeah.

Push: Tell you a secret. Everybody here is skipping school! When was the last time I saw you?

Caedyn: February.

Push: Oh, I remember you! You've grown a little. And you cut your hair. And those shoes are neat. Is that Darth Vader?

Caedyn: Yep. Darth Vader's lightsaber lights up.

Push: But isn't Darth Vader a bad guy?

Caedyn: Yeah.

Push: So who likes bad guys?

Caedyn: (and I don't know why he did this folks, because I am the patented bad guy-lover of the house) My dad.

Push: (rolls over closer to Mike to emphasize his point) Your dad, huh? Caedyn...he *is* your faaaather!

I couldn't stop laughing. Neither could they. It was great.

Later, in Epcot, another employee asked Caedyn, "Did he find you? I know he's been looking all over for you!"

And when Caedyn clearly had no idea what she was talking about, she walked him over to a phone and dialed a number, handed him the receiver. Then Goofy sang happy birthday to him.

It was great!

So, this was my Tuesday. Following the King of Disney World around with a huge grin. Best birthday ever.

And my baby is now a decade old. *mom tears*


Boulder Dude said...

Wow...what a fantastic birthday for Caedyn! Thanks for sharing it

ktbuffy said...

That sounds awesome!!

Hythian said...

That is sooo cool. Sounds like it was a wonderful day for him.

Anonymous said...

Ok, for the record. Through the years, it has been a pleasure to be allowed to be a part of my son's imagination. But really, do you think my son is gonna choose the bad guy? See, the bad guy's gotta loose. So, I get to play the bad guys.

Anonymous said...

When I talked to Michael he did not tell me anything like this. Just that you went there for Caedyn's birthday.

Lela said...

When I talked to Michael he did not tell me anything like this. Just that you went there for Caedyn's birthday.

Identify yourself, woman. :)

I can't tell if this is an accusation or a compliment. :P