Friday, January 13, 2006

Character Updates

Savannah Star
(Level 33)

Damn good scene where Serenity got good and angry the other day. Felt right. Felt like her. She knows she needs to figure out who she is and what she wants. It was a good start. What's coming across in a lot of her rp is that there is a great deal of frustration beneath the facade. She wants to help people, but she's not so clear on helping herself.

And then, there's the men who insist on complicating an already complicated broken heart. She's got one who is offering to take care of her who sends shivers up her spine (the good kind) and one with whom she is all too aware she could get swept up and lose her heart to (and is afraid that's just what she wants). Fun stuff.

Ran the Citadel TF with her this week and picked up the Pathfinder badge Thursday night to boot!

Dark Scorpia
(Level 48)

I finally broke through a little writer's fog and got a post out that was coming to me only when there were no computers near my fingertips. Literally ran into Sword the other night and got to run a mission with him after talking a little. :)

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