Monday, October 14, 2013

The Crap That is Going On.

Just so everyone is aware, things are not so well here in the Danow household. We are under a lot of stress, both financially, and subsequently emotional. Lela also has a mental disorder, which makes the crap times feel even worse to her. We are trying to keep utilities on, my working at a job that is not supporting us financially, and more debts falling on us as we try to catch up. We are currently working on getting a new place, and uprooting my family, who have stayed at the same place for some 15+ years now, and that is traumatizing for everyone. Please bear with us as we go through these trying times.

Tonight, Lela has had more than she can handle. To put it bluntly, she's had a mental breakdown. She can no longer handle anything that is going on in our lives, and has mentally shut down. Tonight, we had a ton of smoke fill up our apartment, almost to the point of what a fire would produce, to discover that our A/C unit may have shorted out. The biggest problem with this, aside from the fact that we live in South Florida, aka, the muggy state, is that we are still behind on our rent, and the owner is looking to blame failed units on the tenant, if they feel it was not properly maintained.

And we do not need more debt than we already have, just before we are looking to move.

Please understand if she does not want to talk, or is short, or is just not around. I am trying to improve our situation and get her stabilized, and that may take some time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that this is happening to you and especially my girl Lela, breaks my heart that she has to go through all this. It sucks.
