Thursday, October 17, 2013


Things here are still not so great, but I suppose that things are bound to move slower than any of us could hope for.

The stress on Mike finally got to his stomach, so he's been trying to recover from that yesterday and today.

I'm emotionally exhausted and trying to take things one minute at a time. I'm easily overwhelmed, though, so if I take a step back or suddenly stop responding to anyone in IMs/texts/in-game, please try to be patient with me. It's not what you said or how many messages you sent or whatever. I'm just trying to cope. My brain just does not seem to want to stay in gear, and I get foggy at random intervals, so I might seem a lot stupider than usual. Writing is just not coming.

Mike and Shawn are working on the details of the move, so please direct questions to Mike or keep an eye out here.


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